Climate Change Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the news,
There were reports of record drought, so many were confused.

Told global warming is why we should care,
And that the point of no return would soon be here.

The children were bombarded with tales of dread,
While visions of climate disasters were stuck in each little head.

And mamma in her Hybrid, and I on my bike,
To save the planet, got rid of the cars that we like.

When suddenly in the data there arose such a clatter,
As Alan Jones said, what could be the matter?

The LNP stopped, as quick as a flash,
Allowed police the power to bash Climate change warriors with whom they clash,

Far too often there were temperatures of 40 or above
Been too long since we’ve seen the rain we love

And, what to my wondering eye there appears,
But SCOMO and McCormick, and it’s more than we can bear.

With a little misinformation from warped science and lo,
I was persuaded it had to be so.

Howling like rabid dogs fearing the shame,
Climate change pushers called skeptics many a name!

“Now, Denier! now, madman! now neanderthal, you’re lying!
You’re an idiot! you’re stupid, know nothing, we’re frying!

To the top of the chart! breaking through the temperature wall!
The warmings out of control, it’s frying us all!”

As dry leaves that before the wild winds fly,
This is the worst drought ever, global warming is why.

So up to the UN the climate pushers flew,
With a gravy train of grants, and politics too.

Make economies pay, we need no proof,
Just keep saying temperatures are going through the roof.

With the media complicit, my head was turning around,
To see the global temperature level off and then come down.

The warming had stopped, his foot was in his mouth,
Exposing the scam, Alan Jones and his cronies headed south.

Readjusting temperatures, from many years back,
Peddling disinformation to the media pack.

At conferences they would drink and make merry!
While the deceit grew in a way, that made it quite scary!

The face of global warming had become a subject smelly,
Their position as “solid,” as a bowlful of jelly!

The ice aps are mellting and, sea ice on the increase,
I laughed when I heard their excuses not cease.

Events we all knew were something ahead,
Were twisted into worst ever, something to dread.

How dare mother nature destroy the CCW’s life’s work,
These deniers are as nasty as a Miley Cyrus Twerk.

But the data is there and everyone knows,
The temperatures leveled off while CO2 rose!

So when in the wire, you hear the cold wind whistle,
The CCW agenda is ready for dismissal.

So let me exclaim, as this fades out of sight,
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!”