Get Well Poems

I've heard you been unwell

I've heard you been blue

Now I'm not really sure

Of what to say to you

Get better soon

Doesn't seem enough

Particularly with what you've been through

And how it's been so tough

But just hang in there

Better days are coming soon

They are just around the corner

Like summer comes in June.


The office has been so empty

Since you've been unwell

There's been no more laughter

From the jokes you used to tell

But you're not here at the moment

They know that you've been sickly

There's only one thing left to wish

Is that you get better quickly


You've been away

I know you've been quite sick

My only wish is that

You get better quick


I know you've been unwell

I know you've been quite poorly

But for folks here at the office

You know we've missed you sorely


While you've been gone

I've had to pick up the slack

I hope it doesn't take too long

For you to come back

This card is sent to cheer you

As I'm sure you're feeling depressed

So take the time you need to recover

And get a little rest

Get Well Poems

I'm sorry you don't feel so well

So I send best wishes your way

To help nurse you back to good health

And put a smile on you today


I heard you were unwell

Well that's just outrageous

So I send smile to you today

'Cause smiles they are contagious


This card is sent to cheer you

I know you're feeling ill

Know even at your lowest ebb

We're thinking of you still


We send you our best wishes

We know just how you feel

We're attentive to all your needs

The metaphoric grape we'll peel.


Best wishes in your recovery

God speed you'll soon be fit

Because we miss you here at work

And the pleasure you bring to it


Get Well Poems


I'm sorry to hear you're unwell

The office sure misses your laughter

I'm not sure how serious it is

And you're not headed for the "ever-after"


While you've been sick

We've been doing it hard

So I'm not too sure

Who to send this card

Is it you or me

That needs it most

Since you've been unwell

My mood's been so morose


I send this card to cheer you

With best wishes to say

We hope you'rs getting better

Recovering day by day


Since you've been sick

I hope the Doc's been kind

Now I know you're getting better

It's taken a load off my mind