22 Aug

In our classroom, shining bright
You were always our guiding light
For your wisdom, patience and other stuff
The words, “Thank you" don’t seem to be enough

And now this year has passed all too soon
You were always the ‘Queen’ of our classroom
Helping us to understand
With teaching lessons all so grand

Though the chalkboards have gone, they’ve been replaced
By computers, laptops and other interface
You were always on top of your game
Even though your jokes were oft lame

And, so, it’s finally time to say goodbye
I breathe an audible sigh
As I pass out of your ranks,
I say a well deserved thanks


In preschool rooms with smiles and frowns
You wore the essential creativity crown
In this world of craft and finger paints
You always had the patience of Saints

You always told us to have a healthy lunch
To stop us from being a surly bunch
So, at lunch after we’d open our box
We’d get in the sand pit without shoes and socks

In this room of alphabet songs and endless laughter
Where us kids you’d always look after
You’d find the time to wipe our butts and wipe our nose
You really must have loved us, I suppose.

You shaped our dreams, both big and small
When it came to caring you gave it all
So in this land of crayons, where dreams take flight
Thank you for always shining bright


To our Teacher we say with glee
Thank you for helping us understand that knowledge is free.


Thank you teacher for settling us in school
For helping us learn the rules
Yet, giving us time to act like fools
Even when we fell off stools

Thank you

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