16 Aug

I don’t want to burst your bubble
But it’s time you heard the truth
You may have all your own teeth
But you’re getting long in the tooth

You’ll never win a gold medal
Your athleticism falls short
You’ll never make the six o’clock news
Unless internet surfing becomes a sport

Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday dear friend
I toast your lost youth
Another year older, another year wiser,
Another year closer to the Truth


You look a little older,
And you’re in trouble, deep
You can’t afford boots injections
So you need your beauty sleep

I know you’re not a millionairess
But you look as good as gold
So you won’t need boots
To gracefully grow old

Happy Birthday


On your birthday it’s time to reflect
How much your life has changed
Time to reset your goals
And your priorities rearrange

And now your birthday is done
Presents opened, you’ve had your cake
No time for frivolity
Don’t go off half-baked

But still you can have some fun
Enjoy your day to the fullest
Cause after everything is said and done
You really are the coolest


Another day, another grey
But you look so distinguished
Yet you’ll need assistance
To get those candles extinguished

Happy Birthday

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